Color Together

What is Color Together?

Color Together is a game where you can color fun and enjoyable paintings with your friends.
You choose a painting, and together you fill out sections of a painting number by number until the painting is done.

In Color Together, you can choose between paintings with different themes and paint the pictures that you find most enjoyable.
While you can play with your friends, you don’t have to wait for them to join you - you can begin the game whenever you want, and start painting.
And if you want to paint a picture by yourself, go to the main menu and choose a painting your friends are not working on.

How to start a Color Together game?

To start a Color Together game, follow the steps below:

  • Join a voice channel

  • Click on the Activity Launcher in the voice channel ( the icon that looks like a rocket ship) to open the Activity Shelf

  • Select “Color Together”

  • Once you have authorized Color Together to access your account, you can play with anyone on the server

Note: For the best game experience, we recommend games with 2-6 players

Color Together FAQ

Q: Do I lose my progress when I leave the game?

A: No. When you leave a painting, the game saves your progress, and you can continue with your painting the next time you play.

Q: Is there an age requirement?

A: There is no age requirement for Color Together - everyone can play the game.

Q: How do I start the game?

A: To start the game, you have to join a voice channel. You should see the Activity Launcher (it looks like a rocket ship) in the voice channel controls when you have joined. Click on the Activity Launcher to open the Activity Shelf, then select “Color Together.”

Q: How do I play the game?

A: You play the game by choosing a painting and filling in the missing colors in that painting. You fill out the drawings by clicking on the numbered spaces with the right color until your painting is complete.

Q: How do I paint a picture with my friends?

A: Go to the main menu in the game. Join your friends by clicking on the painting they are already painting.

Q: Where should I report bugs and problems with the game?

A: Please write to us at with the subject “Color Together Discord”